Our Holiday Card - 2015

This was the second year we attempted to take Santa photos with both of my boys. Last year's card was such a hit (at least for me), that we dared do it again. This time, my mother-in-law was in town when we scheduled the photo session, so my oldest asked if she could be the one to wear the Santa suit. She was happy to oblige. 


Despite both my husband and me making silly noises and faces behind the photographer, our toddle simply would not smile! Meh, we tried. Thank you FotoFly for hiring photographers who are great with kids and take some pretty rad photos.


He cracked a tiny smile when he got to eat a cookie though. He inherited my sweet tooth. 

We printed our cards with VistaPrint and I was thrilled to get them mailed well before Christmas. I'm pretty sure I can count on one hand how many times that has happened. 

This holiday card design is available in my Etsy shop in the fall. You can view the listing here. Merry Christmas!