Through a friend of a friend, I got an email one day from Kevin. He was starting a business in bottling Canadian Whisky and wanted to hire me to help him build the brand from scratch. He sent me the vision he had along with some general ideas about colors, mood, and where he was thinking this business would lead. We played around with a few logo concepts and some ideas on what kind of bottle label we could do.
The first round of logo concepts was pretty broad, playing with different fonts and a play on a slogan he already had: The Rising Tide of Canadian Whisky. We toyed around with some ocean-themed graphics but didn’t want it to look too pirate-y.
Here is the final logo. I really love how it turned out.
And after many, many iterations, here’s what the label will look like on his first bottling.
We will make adjustments to all of the little details like batch, cask, distillery, and age with each variation that gets bottled. Also notice the little label above the main label saying “Whisky for Us.” That will change if they ever decide to bottle a different spirit.
I made these bottle mockups so they could use them on their website.
Kevin was kind enough to send me a bottle along with some labels so I am going to see what kind of photos I can get with my camera and my very-non-professional lights. Hilariously, I live in Utah, where it’s illegal to ship alcohol. So I asked Kevin to ship the bottle to my sister in California and she drove it to me when she and her family visited over Thanksgiving. :::eyeroll:::
Thanks, Kevin!