client work

Laura's Holiday Card - 2022

Laura’s ideas for amazing and creative holiday cards never disappoints. This year was no exception. She’s been honing her skills as a makeup artist lately and she used that for her family’s holiday card this year.

Laura did all of the awesome makeup and her daughter happily got dressed up as Cindy Lou from the Grinch. I just cut everyone out in Photoshop and made it all pretty with text. I love how it turned out!!

Here you can see every fun holiday card Laura and I have worked on together.

I’m more impressed that Laura has been able to convince her family to go along with these ideas year after year! Kudos!

New Stickers

In preparation for having booth at a couple of local arts and craft last summer, I started creating stickers that were more wordy and graphic design-y; fun and inspirational and not a watercolor painting.

Here’s what I have at the moment:

This sticker is based on t-shirt artwork I created for a friend a few years ago. She’s a big fan of Dave Matthews Band and asked me to design a pair of t-shirts for her and her daughter. The daughter’s tee is done in the same hand-drawn style and says, “Pick me up, Love. Everyday.” I love how this one turned out. Buy one here!!

I created this sticker earlier this year for my youngest son’s school valentines. It was serendipitous timing that Sticker Mule had a sale on holographic stickers just in time for Valentine’s Day, so he helped me come up with a fun design and it was a winner! Buy one here!!

For this one, I loved the simple words and thought I’d see how it looked with a starry night sky in the background. I went with holographic stickers and I wasn’t thrilled with how it turned out, but the sticker was really popular at my booth over the summer. It’s always surprising what ends up being my favorite artwork as opposed to what other like best. Buy one here!!

This one I did super fast one day when Sticker Mule was having a sale. This saying had been on my list of ones to try and turn into a sticker at some point because it’s really beautiful. Lots of people bought this sticker with a loved one in mind. Buy one here!

This sticker was all my husband. He and a coworker was commenting on how often our kids mistakenly call us “bruh.” It ticks me off when my kids do it to me. Buy one here!!

What are some ideas for future stickers???